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The ExactCut company has an established position on the Czech market since 2004, with the main focus on automation and high-performance circular saws for cutting ferrous and nonferrous metals.
The expertise in the field of precision cutting of metals, the company acquired from the original owner of the ExactCut GmbH, Mr. Wiedermann (long-time employee of the German saw mass-producer – the Wagner company), who operated under this brand on the German market since 1997 and from a partnership with a parent company called Bomar (a Czech manufacturer of band saws for metal cutting).
Thanks to the dynamic growth of our company, we can presently offer not only standard solution of cutting lines, but also bespoke solutions for metal cutting to fit your wishes and requirements. The company's flexibility is only underlined by the rich selection of accessories to the circular saws for cutting metal, we have delivered to our customers.
As a manufacturer of circular saws for metal cutting, we carry out constant testing of cutting equipment from various manufacturers and we ceaselessly evaluate the qualitative and price-wise results. The advantages and possibilities we have found in our tests, are naturally available to our clients.